Morning Light
RSP 11409
Grower: Altman Specialty Plants, LLC
General Information
- Accession Date
- January 1, 2020
- Reported Plant Sex
- not reported
- Report Type
- StrainSEEK v2 3.2Mb
- DNA Extracted From
- Stem
Chemical Information
Cannabinoid and terpenoid information provided by the grower.
No information provided.
No information provided.
Genetic Information
- Plant Type
- Type III
File Downloads
Variants (THCAS, CBDAS, and CBCAS)
CBDAS | c.8G>A | p.Cys3Tyr | missense variant | moderate | contig1772 | 2082234 | G/A |
CBDAS | c.221C>G | p.Thr74Ser | missense variant | moderate | contig1772 | 2082447 | C/G | |
CBDAS | c.1420A>C | p.Lys474Gln | missense variant | moderate | contig1772 | 2083646 | A/C |
Variants (Select Genes of Interest)
GPPs1 | c.160A>G | p.Lys54Glu | missense variant | moderate | contig676 | 168409 | A/G |
GPPs1 | c.472T>A | p.Leu158Met | missense variant | moderate | contig676 | 168721 | T/A |
GPPs1 |
c.807_814del |
p.His270fs | frameshift variant | high | contig676 | 169595 | GTGCATTTT/G |
GPPs1 |
c.857_876del |
p.Ala286fs | frameshift variant | high | contig676 | 169646 |
PKSG-2a | c.67T>A | p.Phe23Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1945567 | A/T | |
PKSG-2a | c.31A>T | p.Thr11Ser | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1945603 | T/A | |
PKSG-2b | c.1152T>A | p.Asn384Lys | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1950486 | A/T | |
PKSG-2b | c.1132C>G | p.Leu378Val | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1950506 | G/C |
PKSG-2b | c.1117A>G | p.Ile373Val | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1950521 | T/C | |
PKSG-2b | c.31A>T | p.Thr11Ser | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1951851 | T/A | |
PKSG-2b | c.-2_1dupATA | start lost & conservative inframe insertion | high | contig700 | 1951880 | A/ATAT |
PKSG-4b | c.554A>G | p.Tyr185Cys | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 2721119 | T/C |
PKSG-4b | c.496A>G | p.Lys166Glu | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 2721177 | T/C | |
PKSG-4b | c.489delT | p.Phe163fs | frameshift variant | high | contig700 | 2721183 | CA/C | |
PKSG-4b | c.485A>G | p.Lys162Arg | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 2721188 | T/C | |
PKSG-4b | c.431T>G | p.Val144Gly | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 2721242 | A/C | |
PKSG-4b | c.419A>G | p.Asp140Gly | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 2721254 | T/C | |
PKSG-4b |
c.352_355del |
p.Thr118fs | frameshift variant | high | contig700 | 2721317 | CCTGT/C |
PKSG-4b | c.323A>G | p.Glu108Gly | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 2721350 | T/C |
DXR-2 | c.1319T>C | p.Ile440Thr | missense variant | moderate | contig380 | 285250 | A/G |
aPT4 | c.80A>G | p.Lys27Arg | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2828736 | A/G |
aPT4 | c.202T>A | p.Leu68Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2828858 | T/A |
aPT1 | c.406A>G | p.Ile136Val | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2839605 | A/G | |
HDS-2 |
c.82_93delGT |
p.Val28_Thr3 |
conservative inframe deletion | moderate | contig95 | 1989748 |
HDS-2 | c.127T>G | p.Ser43Ala | missense variant | moderate | contig95 | 1989794 | T/G |
Nearest genetic relatives (All Samples)
- 0.240 Serious Happiness (RSP10763)
- 0.252 Doug s Varin (RSP11243)
- 0.260 Electra (RSP11366)
- 0.267 Recon (RSP10755)
- 0.268 White Label 2 (RSP11337)
- 0.270 Domnesia (RSP11184)
- 0.271 Sweet Grass (RSP11146)
- 0.273 Liberty Haze (RSP11000)
- 0.274 Blue Dream (RSP11007)
- 0.275 Cherry (RSP11142)
- 0.276 JL 4th Gen 7 (RSP11153)
- 0.277 Tak-HN (RSP11618)
- 0.278 Tygra (RSP10667)
- 0.279 Lift (RSP11378)
- 0.280 Tisza (RSP10659)
- 0.280 Strawberry Cough (RSP11356)
- 0.281 Tisza (RSP11045)
- 0.281 C-930 lot 211005 (RSP12603)
- 0.283 SO6 (RSP11452)
- 0.284 FL30 7 11 2019 (RSP11361)
Most genetically distant strains (All Samples)
- 0.460 Cherry Blossom (RSP11323)
- 0.435 Cherry Blossom (RSP11312)
- 0.428 Chematonic -Cannatonic x Chemdawg- (RSP11394)
- 0.426 Unknown--Cherry Wine---001- (RSP11268)
- 0.425 Chem 91 (RSP11185)
- 0.422 Cherry Blossom (RSP11318)
- 0.420 JL 3rd Gen Mother (RSP11214)
- 0.418 JL yellow (RSP11075)
- 0.414 Unknown--Cherry Wine---003- (RSP11270)
- 0.410 Northern Lights (RSP11501)
- 0.409 JL 3rd Gen Mother (RSP11197)
- 0.409 Tanao Sri -46- (RSP11486)
- 0.408 Cherry Blossom (RSP11328)
- 0.406 Sour Tsunami x Cataract Ku (RSP11183)
- 0.406 JL Cross 1 (RSP11502)
- 0.405 JL x NSPM1 4 (RSP11482)
- 0.403 YMCM (RSP11416)
- 0.402 Medxotic (RSP11410)
- 0.400 Cherry Blossom (RSP11301)
- 0.398 Cherry Blossom (RSP11298)
Nearest genetic relative in Phylos dataset
Phylos Strain SRR8349378
- Overlapping SNPs:
- 68
- Concordance:
- 41
Nearest genetic relative in Lynch dataset
Lynch Strain SRR3495180
- Overlapping SNPs:
- 6
- Concordance:
- 6
Blockchain Registration Information
- Transaction ID
d343ccced60bc090 7515111891f37438 c4ae79016025f4f1 - Stamping Certificate
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