Lemon Badger G Auto

RSP 13215

Grower: Wisconsin Crop Innovation Center

General Information

Accession Date
September 18, 2024
Reported Plant Sex

The strain rarity visualization shows how distant the strain is from the other cultivars in the Kannapedia database. The y-axis represents genetic distance, getting farther as you go up. The width of the visualization at any position along the y-axis shows how many strains there are in the database at that genetic distance. So, a common strain will have a more bottom-heavy shape, while uncommon and rare cultivars will have a visualization that is generally shifted towards the top.

Rarity: Rare
Most Distant Most Similar

Chemical Information

Cannabinoid and terpenoid information provided by the grower.


No information provided.


No information provided.

Genetic Information

Plant Type

The bell curve in the heterozygosity visualization shows the distribution of heterozygosity levels for cannabis cultivars in the Kannapedia database. The green line shows where this particular strain fits within the distribution. Heterozygosity is associated with heterosis (aka hybrid vigor) but also leads to the production of more variable offspring. When plants have two genetically different parents, heterozygosity levels will be higher than if it has been inbred or backcrossed repeatedly.

Heterozygosity: 1.25%
Least Heterozygous Most Heterozygous

The ratio of reads mapped to Y-contigs to reads mapped to the whole Cannabis genome (Y-ratios) has been demonstrated to be strongly correlated with plant sex typing. This plot shows the distribution of Y-ratios for all samples in our database which were sequenced with the same method (panel or WGS) as this sample and where this sample falls in the distribution.

Y-Ratio Distribution: 0.0292
male female RSP13215

This chart represents the Illumina sequence coverage over the Bt/Bd allele. These are the three regions in the cannabis genome that impact THCA, CBDA, CBGA production. Coverage over the Active CBDAS gene is highly correlated with Type II and Type III plants as described by Etienne de Meijer. Coverage over the THCA gene is highly correlated with Type I and Type II plants but is anti-correlated with Type III plants. Type I plants require coverage over the inactive CBDA loci and no coverage over the Active CBDA gene. Lack of coverage over the Active CBDA and Active THCA allele are presumed to be Type IV plants (CBGA dominant). While deletions of entire THCAS and CBDAS genes are the most common Bt:Bd alleles observed, it is possible to have plants with these genes where functional expression of the enzyme is disrupted by deactivating point mutations (Kojoma et al. 2006).

Bt/Bd Allele Coverage

This chart represents the Illumina sequence coverage over the CBCA synthase gene.

CBCAS Coverage

Variants (THCAS, CBDAS, and CBCAS)

No variants to report

Variants (Select Genes of Interest)

PHL-2 c.3202A>C p.Thr1068Pro missense variant moderate contig2621 343245

IGV: Start, Jump

PHL-2 c.3209A>G p.Gln1070Arg missense variant moderate contig2621 343252

IGV: Start, Jump



c.206T>C p.Leu69Ser missense variant moderate contig700 2724229

IGV: Start, Jump



c.2551A>G p.Thr851Ala missense variant moderate contig1439 1487246

IGV: Start, Jump


Nearest genetic relatives (All Samples)

0 0.083 0.167 0.250 0.333
closely related moderately related distantly related
  1. 0.258 Badger G (RSP13082)
  2. 0.265 AC DC G (RSP13216)
  3. 0.302 RINGO S ANGEL (RSP10085)
  4. 0.309 CBG Berry (RSP11446)
  5. 0.312 CBG- 40 (RSP11444)
  6. 0.313 Joy (RSP11380)
  7. 0.315 Purple Urkle (RSP12890)
  8. 0.316 Thank You Jerry (RSP11459)
  9. 0.320 A5 Haze (RSP12815)
  10. 0.320 CBG 30 (RSP11447)
  11. 0.321 Trump x Trump (RSP11466)
  12. 0.322 T20 Dried (RSP13125)
  13. 0.325 Rest (RSP11377)
  14. 0.325 A5 Haze (RSP12816)
  15. 0.325 Electra (RSP11366)
  16. 0.328 RKM-2018-026 (RSP11118)
  17. 0.328 Badger (RSP11614)
  18. 0.329 Tahoe OG (RSP11189)
  19. 0.329 Cbot-2019-005 (RSP11133)
  20. 0.330 CDSD (RSP13084)

Most genetically distant strains (All Samples)

0 0.133 0.267 0.400 0.533
closely related moderately related distantly related
  1. 0.506 Cherry Blossom (RSP11329)
  2. 0.501 Cherry Blossom (RSP11306)
  3. 0.481 Cherry Blossom (RSP11322)
  4. 0.481 80E (RSP11213)
  5. 0.477 Brunswick High (RSP11164)
  6. 0.475 JL 3rd Gen Mother (RSP11214)
  7. 0.472 Jamaican Lion (RSP12916)
  8. 0.470 Jamaican Lion (RSP12917)
  9. 0.466 JL yellow (RSP11075)
  10. 0.466 Cherry Blossom (RSP11325)
  11. 0.466 80E (RSP11211)
  12. 0.464 Cherry Blossom (RSP11330)
  13. 0.464 JL 4th Gen 4 (RSP11198)
  14. 0.459 Tanao Sri 46 (RSP11486)
  15. 0.459 Cherry Blossom (RSP11326)
  16. 0.458 Cherry Blossom (RSP11315)
  17. 0.458 Cherry Blossom CBG (RSP11303)
  18. 0.458 80E (RSP11212)
  19. 0.454 JL 4th Gen 5 (RSP11199)
  20. 0.454 Jamaican Lion (RSP12915)

Nearest genetic relative in Phylos dataset

Phylos Strain SRR4450138
Overlapping SNPs:

Nearest genetic relative in Lynch dataset

Lynch Strain SRR3495207
Overlapping SNPs:

Blockchain Registration Information

QR code for RSP13215

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