SRR 3294451
General Information
- Accession Date
- February 7, 2016
- Reported Plant Sex
- Male
- Report Type
- Whole-Genome Sequencing
Chemical Information
Cannabinoid and terpenoid information provided by the grower.
No information provided.
No information provided.
Genetic Information
- Plant Type
- Type II
File Downloads
Variants (THCAS, CBDAS, and CBCAS)
No variants to report
Variants (Select Genes of Interest)
GPPs1 | c.916delG | p.Val306fs | frameshift variant | high | contig676 | 169802 | TG/T |
PHL-2 | c.2756A>C | p.Glu919Ala | missense variant | moderate | contig2621 | 342799 | A/C | |
ELF3 |
c.1230-2_123 |
splice acceptor variant & intron variant | high | contig97 | 243676 | TAG/T | ||
ELF3 | c.2141C>G | p.Pro714Arg | missense variant | moderate | contig97 | 244972 | C/G | |
aPT4 | c.16G>A | p.Val6Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2828672 | G/A |
aPT4 | c.97T>C | p.Tyr33His | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2828753 | T/C |
aPT4 | c.153A>C | p.Lys51Asn | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2828809 | A/C |
aPT4 | c.202T>A | p.Leu68Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2828858 | T/A |
aPT4 |
c.235_236del |
p.Val79fs | frameshift variant | high | contig121 | 2829030 | ATG/A |
aPT4 | c.238delT | p.Ser80fs | frameshift variant | high | contig121 | 2829034 | AT/A |
aPT4 | c.302A>G | p.Asn101Ser | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2829099 | A/G |
aPT1 | c.406A>G | p.Ile136Val | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2839605 | A/G | |
aPT1 | c.629C>T | p.Thr210Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2840237 | C/T | |
HDS-1 | c.1618A>G | p.Ile540Val | missense variant | moderate | contig1891 | 885936 | T/C | |
HDS-1 | c.136G>A | p.Val46Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig1891 | 889256 | C/T | |
HDS-1 | c.56C>G | p.Ala19Gly | missense variant | moderate | contig1891 | 889336 | G/C | |
HDS-1 | c.35G>A | p.Cys12Tyr | missense variant | moderate | contig1891 | 889357 | C/T |
Nearest genetic relatives (All Samples)
- 0.033 Triangle Kush x Square Wave BX (RSP12100)
- 0.044 UC 70 (SRR14419679)
- 0.050 UC 62 (SRR14419687)
- 0.052 UC 167 (SRR14419585)
- 0.052 UC 46 (SRR14419703)
- 0.054 UC 74 (SRR14419674)
- 0.056 UC 141 (SRR14419609)
- 0.056 UC 493 (SRR14419740)
- 0.057 (SRR3294430)
- 0.071 UC 170 (SRR14419582)
- 0.076 UC 32 (SRR14419761)
- 0.078 UC 500 (SRR14419736)
- 0.078 UC 34 (SRR14419739)
- 0.081 UC 27 (SRR14419817)
- 0.083 VIR 483 (SRR14708238)
- 0.086 UC 89 (SRR14419661)
- 0.086 UC 86 (SRR14419663)
- 0.086 UC 445 (SRR14419766)
- 0.088 UC 18 (SRR14419894)
- 0.091 UC 155 (SRR14419597)
Most genetically distant strains (All Samples)
- 0.413 80E (RSP11213)
- 0.387 Fedora 17 (RSP10661)
- 0.384 Tanao Sri 46 (RSP11486)
- 0.382 Monoica (RSP10241)
- 0.379 JL 4th Gen 1 (RSP11193)
- 0.377 JL 3rd Gen Father (RSP11196)
- 0.368 Cherry Blossom (RSP11306)
- 0.366 Feral (RSP11205)
- 0.365 Cherry Blossom (RSP11317)
- 0.362 80E (RSP11211)
- 0.358 Carmaleonte (RSP11207)
- 0.357 Carmagnola (RSP11037)
- 0.352 Tiger Tail 30 (RSP11484)
- 0.352 USO 31 (RSP10983)
- 0.349 Carmagnola (RSP10977)
- 0.348 JL yellow (RSP11075)
- 0.345 JL 3rd Gen Mother (RSP11214)
- 0.344 Santhica27 (RSP11047)
- 0.343 80E (RSP11212)
- 0.343 JL 4th Gen 6 (RSP11200)
Nearest genetic relative in Phylos dataset
Phylos Strain SRR4448396
- Overlapping SNPs:
- 3
- Concordance:
- 3
Nearest genetic relative in Lynch dataset
Lynch Strain SRR3495158
- Overlapping SNPs:
- 3
- Concordance:
- 3
Blockchain Registration Information
c49ab17c93ff760e 180c361f111f2731 0b8a146ce513a8f0