JL Cross 24
RSP 11525
Grower: Kevin McKernan
General Information
- Accession Date
- June 17, 2020
- Reported Plant Sex
- not reported
- Report Type
- StrainSEEK v2 3.2Mb
- DNA Extracted From
- Unknown
Chemical Information
Cannabinoid and terpenoid information provided by the grower.
No information provided.
No information provided.
Genetic Information
- Plant Type
- Type I
File Downloads
Variants (THCAS, CBDAS, and CBCAS)
No variants to report
Variants (Select Genes of Interest)
PKSG-2a | c.67T>A | p.Phe23Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1945567 | A/T | |
PKSG-2a | c.31A>T | p.Thr11Ser | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1945603 | T/A | |
PKSG-2b | c.1152T>A | p.Asn384Lys | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1950486 | A/T | |
PKSG-2b | c.1132C>G | p.Leu378Val | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1950506 | G/C |
PKSG-2b | c.1117A>G | p.Ile373Val | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1950521 | T/C | |
PKSG-2b | c.31A>T | p.Thr11Ser | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 1951851 | T/A | |
PKSG-4b |
c.535_545del |
p.Ile179fs | frameshift variant | high | contig700 | 2721127 |
PKSG-4b | c.523C>T | p.His175Tyr | missense variant | moderate | contig700 | 2721150 | G/A | |
PKSG-4b | c.489delT | p.Phe163fs | frameshift variant | high | contig700 | 2721183 | CA/C | |
DXR-2 | c.1319T>C | p.Ile440Thr | missense variant | moderate | contig380 | 285250 | A/G |
aPT4 | c.775delT | p.Tyr259fs | frameshift variant | high | contig121 | 2831380 | AT/A |
aPT4 | c.1168T>C | p.Tyr390His | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2833503 | T/C |
aPT1 | c.406A>G | p.Ile136Val | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2839605 | A/G | |
aPT1 | c.629C>T | p.Thr210Ile | missense variant | moderate | contig121 | 2840237 | C/T | |
HDS-2 | c.82_83delGT | p.Val28fs | frameshift variant | high | contig95 | 1989748 |
HDS-2 |
c.82_93delGT |
p.Val28_Thr3 |
conservative inframe deletion | moderate | contig95 | 1989748 |
HDS-2 | c.127T>G | p.Ser43Ala | missense variant | moderate | contig95 | 1989794 | T/G |
Nearest genetic relatives (All Samples)
- 0.064 JL Cross 27 (RSP11528)
- 0.081 JL Cross 26 (RSP11527)
- 0.091 JL X NSPM1 7 (RSP11469)
- 0.092 JL Cross 2 (RSP11503)
- 0.092 JL X NSPM1 11 (RSP11471)
- 0.096 JL Tent 1 yellow stake (RSP11488)
- 0.096 JL Tent 2 (RSP11489)
- 0.105 JL X NSPM1 6 (RSP11468)
- 0.109 JL X NSPM1 14 (RSP11473)
- 0.111 JL Tent 3 (RSP11490)
- 0.111 JL X NSPM1 5 (RSP11467)
- 0.117 JL x NSPM1 1 5 (RSP11479)
- 0.119 JL Cross 15 (RSP11516)
- 0.120 JL Cross 22 (RSP11523)
- 0.122 JL x NSPM1 1 (RSP11478)
- 0.123 JL Cross 21 (RSP11522)
- 0.124 JL x NSPM1 2 (RSP11480)
- 0.126 JL x NSPM1 3 (RSP11481)
- 0.126 JL X NSPM1 22 (RSP11475)
- 0.132 JL Cross 19 (RSP11520)
Most genetically distant strains (All Samples)
- 0.460 80E (RSP11213)
- 0.436 80E (RSP11212)
- 0.435 80E (RSP11211)
- 0.428 Cbot-2019-005 (RSP11133)
- 0.426 CS (RSP11208)
- 0.421 Northern Lights (RSP11501)
- 0.415 Tanao Sri-white -80- (RSP11621)
- 0.410 BagSeed (RSP12627)
- 0.410 Carmaleonte (RSP11207)
- 0.407 Feral (RSP11205)
- 0.406 Danny Noonan (RSP11070)
- 0.405 AVIDEKEL 2 0 (RSP11174)
- 0.403 Northern Skunk (RSP11456)
- 0.403 CS Indica (RSP11658)
- 0.403 R1in136 (SRR14708226)
- 0.403 Feral (RSP10890)
- 0.402 IUP3 (SRR14708256)
- 0.401 Squirrel Tail -81- (RSP11622)
- 0.401 R3in134 (SRR14708218)
- 0.401 Feral (RSP10891)
Nearest genetic relative in Phylos dataset
Phylos Strain SRR4450115
- Overlapping SNPs:
- 71
- Concordance:
- 49
Nearest genetic relative in Lynch dataset
Lynch Strain SRR3495164
- Overlapping SNPs:
- 3
- Concordance:
- 3
Blockchain Registration Information
a698b42dddd2e4ac 70ce76972fa98ace cda04a7489f88450