Gold Cracker
RSP 21041
General Information
- Accession Date
- unknown
- Reported Plant Sex
- not reported
- Report Type
- StrainSEEK v1
Chemical Information
Cannabinoid and terpenoid information provided by the grower.
No information provided.
No information provided.
Genetic Information
File Downloads
Nearest genetic relatives (All Samples)
- 0.096 SFV OG v1 0 (RSP11029)
- 0.151 Durban Poison 1 (RSP11013)
- 0.157 Skunk 18 (RSP11030)
- 0.161 Super Lemon Haze S3 (RSP10139)
- 0.164 Serious Happiness (RSP10763)
- 0.172 Durban Poison (RSP11014)
- 0.180 Durban Poison (RSP10998)
- 0.188 Vanilla Kush (RSP10973)
- 0.197 Durban Poison 1 (RSP10996)
- 0.198 Durban Poison 1 (RSP10943)
- 0.199 Durban Poison S1 (RSP10150)
- 0.213 Serious Happiness S3 (RSP10121)
- 0.220 Durban S2 (RSP10133)
- 0.231 Super Blue Dream (RSP11011)
- 0.241 Grand Daddy Purple (RSP10635)
- 0.248 B68CH (RSP11004)
- 0.252 Blue Dream (RSP11006)
- 0.253 Blue Dream 3 (RSP10619)
- 0.260 Blue Dream (RSP11008)
- 0.260 Banana Kush (RSP11028)
Nearest genetic relatives (Base Tree)
- 0.096 SFV OG v1 0 (RSP11029)
- 0.151 Durban Poison 1 (RSP11013)
- 0.157 Skunk 18 (RSP11030)
- 0.161 Super Lemon Haze S3 (RSP10139)
- 0.164 Serious Happiness (RSP10763)
- 0.172 Durban Poison (RSP11014)
- 0.180 Durban Poison (RSP10998)
- 0.188 Vanilla Kush (RSP10973)
- 0.197 Durban Poison 1 (RSP10996)
- 0.198 Durban Poison 1 (RSP10943)
- 0.199 Durban Poison S1 (RSP10150)
- 0.213 Serious Happiness S3 (RSP10121)
- 0.220 Durban S2 (RSP10133)
- 0.231 Super Blue Dream (RSP11011)
- 0.241 Grand Daddy Purple (RSP10635)
- 0.248 B68CH (RSP11004)
- 0.252 Blue Dream (RSP11006)
- 0.253 Blue Dream 3 (RSP10619)
- 0.260 Blue Dream (RSP11008)
- 0.260 Banana Kush (RSP11028)
Most genetically distant strains (All Samples)
- 1.373 USO 31 (RSP10866)
- 1.299 Carmagnola (RSP10863)
- 1.276 White 99 S2 (RSP10267)
- 1.271 Carmagnola (RSP10859)
- 1.267 USO31 S3 (RSP10048)
- 1.263 USO 31 (RSP10864)
- 1.245 USO 31 (RSP10865)
- 1.239 Congo (RSP10432)
- 1.237 Futura75 (RSP10234)
- 1.215 Ivory (RSP10065)
- 1.187 Carmagnola (RSP10860)
- 1.177 Santhica27 (RSP10056)
- 1.175 Ferimon (RSP10063)
- 1.173 Blue Dream S2 (RSP10269)
- 1.150 Carmagnola (RSP10862)
- 1.147 Bialobreski (RSP10002)
- 1.136 Futura75 (RSP10057)
- 1.126 Felina32 (RSP10232)
- 1.121 Dacia (RSP10058)
- 1.101 Carmagnola (RSP10861)
Nearest genetic relative in Phylos dataset
Phylos Strain SRR4448699
- Overlapping SNPs:
- 40
- Concordance:
- 34
Blockchain Registration Information
- Transaction ID
43fef3ef0e62a754 9e31fc2a621f1485 85693018b6d7781c - Stamping Certificate
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